Frequently Asked Questions

No. Your profile country is set up once during account setup. After your account is setup up and when applying for an OSBN, you can choose any country you wish for your book. You can also choose different country codes subsequent OSBN applications. Your profile country is not tied to the countries you choose for your books.

Select 'fiction' or 'non-fiction' for genre then, and add your genre to genre2. Both genres will appear in the listing.

Contact us and if possible, we'll add it for you.

Yes. Click on My OSBNs and to the right of each book listed will be an "Edit" link. You can use that to modify or remove all but the eleven required fields.

Not all books have a subtitle, so subtitle is not a required field. But if your does, then like with the eleven required fields, you should enter it when applying for your OSBN. Just like with the eleven required fields, it's permanent. Once the application is submitted, you won't be able to change it.